Summers are fun as well as tiring. You tend to lose out on energy very quickly in this weather. And so you crave for a lot of water to drink as well as to splash on your face. While doing so, you waste a lot of water. Of course, there are tips to save water from being wasted a lot and apart from that, you do get to have fun with friends and family at the beach, pool, and BBQ party.
Keeping that aside, let’s think about the plumbing system of your house during the summer. As the weather gets warmer, the needs of the house and in the house change. You get a chance to check the house for any sort of damage that the weather has caused and solve it for a happy and tension-free summer. So, here are a few tips for it.
Check the drains, gutter and downpipes: After the weather changes from fall to summer, the leaves might have accumulated somewhere or the other in the house. It’s troublesome to clean the gutters, drains or downpipes when these leaves are lodged in them. If there’s damage due to the leaves, then call up the plumber and have it cleaned professionally. You can also choose to list out a few problems or fixes. A professional hand will help you fix these problems in a jiffy.
Check your toilets for leakage and blocks: During summertime, the toilets are the most used places. If you find that the pressure of the water is low while flushing, overflowing, or there’s an unpleasant odour after the flush, then you need to call the plumber in Port Melbourne immediately if you reside there. Also, make sure you and your family members avoid dumping anything down the flush except for the toilet paper. Before you get back home from the beach party, make sure you and your family wash up in the public showers. This way you can avoid clogging your bathroom.
Shift to water-saving showerheads: Everyone wants to experience that cool shower during the summers. It’s just the best feeling but this leads to spending a lot of money while you’re busy having fun. Shifting to water-saving showerheads and monitoring the leakages on the taps are the best ways to save as much water as possible.
Take care of gas leaks: As the temperatures rise and get really warm, there is a possibility of a gas leak which can lead to dangerous health problems. Usually, it’s easy to detect a gas leak just by the odour, but when you have a busy house at a BBQ get-together; it’s difficult to think of it. If you are unable to detect the smell of the gas, then there’s the best possible way to do that. Pour a tiny amount of detergent soap on the pipe and check if you see bubbles to get it fixed immediately.
Keep an eye on the sprinklers: Apart from leakage in the toilet, kitchen and drainage, you need to keep an eye on the sprinklers' leakage as well. If there’s a leakage, then call the emergency plumber in Port Melbourne. After its fixed, you can enjoy the cool grass dew on your feet and see your family enjoy the weather.
Check your water heater: Calling a plumber in Port Melbourne when you need repairing or servicing the water heater is the best option. This is one of the tasks that you won’t be able to do yourself. Every water heater needs to be serviced every six months; this way you’ll be to maintain it for the next seasons to come. Sometimes, the extreme heat from the weather can damage the water heater, and the sediment deposit and debris inside need to be removed.
Basement plumbing: Do not miss checking the basement plumbing condition. You never know you might see something that might surprise you in the basement. Check carefully for exposed pipes, wet spots, pooling of water somewhere in the basement, leakage, smell of mould, etc. Such issues need to be attended to immediately.
Cover up the pool: Water evaporates easily during this weather. It’s important to cover up the pool and uncover only when it’s required. The covers can be a solar cover that helps in saving electricity as well as helps you keep out the leaves, twigs and other forms floating around. With the clever use of pool timers, you can filter the water in the pool.
Final thoughts:
Summer is the best time for repairs and other fixtures. The plumbers in your area will help you solve any problem that you see needs immediate attention. So don’t hesitate in calling the plumbers for any help.