Tips for Managing Stress and Anxiety

Stress Managing

Time and time again, we feel overwhelmed due to pressures that we face in our modern life. Some are due to work and some are due to family and relationships. If you’re not careful, it can become a matter of concern. 

The best psychologists would make you aware of the fact that stress cannot be eliminated completely from your life. But it can surely be controlled by making simple tweaks to your lifestyle.

The following are common tips for managing stress. However, if you feel that you’re suffering from excessive anxiety or severe depression, then you should seek professional help. 

  1. Get daily exercise:
    You know that regular exercise is good for your body. However, a busy schedule and a stressed life makes it difficult to fit it into your routine. Conversely, doing it improves your overall health, including mental health, putting more pep in your step every day.

    Doing aerobic exercise will help you bring down stress hormones like cortisol and produce more endorphins. So, if you feel happy and positive after a long walk or several laps in the pool, then it’s because your body is producing more endorphins.

  2. Practice deep breathing:
    Have you ever noticed that your breathing pace increases while in stress? The next time you feel anxious, take a moment and practice deep breathing. Do four counts for breathing in and breathing out for at least five minutes.

    Deep breathing exercise is one of the best methods to lessen your stress. It is because when you breathe slowly, it signals your brain to calm down and relax. After which, the brain passes on the same signal to your body. Consequently, the things that happen when you’re under stress like increased heart rate, high blood pressure, fast breathing, all slow down as you practice deep breathing. 

  3. Maintain a healthy diet:
    People behave differently during stress. One of the changes that occur is in one’s diet. In colloquial terms, it is called stress eating. In fact, some may binge eat while some may skip meals. Both can be bad for your overall health.

    When you skip meals, you automatically find difficulty in focusing, making you even more frustrated and stressed out. On the other hand, if you binge eat, then you will gain more weight, leading to health problems, and of course, stress.

    Therefore, try to consume healthy foods and have a balanced diet when in stress. Have some protein-filled and non-starchy meals. This could be eggs, beef, fish, leafy veggies and nuts. Avoid having caffeine, alcohol, or sugary drinks.

    Fuel your body with a healthy and balanced diet. This will also help you to fight against stress and other health problems.

  4. Be mindful of your negative thoughts:
    When under stress, we tend to exaggerate our situations. In many instances, our perception of the problems leads to more stress than the situation itself. We humans always jump to conclusions due to unfounded negative thoughts that mostly worsen the problem.

    Dealing with stress means investing time to understand the problem, comparing the facts, and taking corrective actions. It’s important to challenge our negative thoughts with positive ones. Indeed, some studies show that positive thoughts bring optimism, which is good for our well-being. So, whenever you find yourself amidst negative thoughts, stop for a moment, and think about whether it's being brought on by your thoughts or your circumstances. 

  5. Live in the present:
    Over thinking about the future as well as the past can worsen stress. We often get trapped into our dark pasts and fixated on future events.

    To manage stress, it’s important to cherish every single moment of the present. You might’ve also heard people talking about the importance of living in the moment. This will actually benefit you in different ways. You’ll be able to narrow down your focus and concentrate on the work you’re doing right here and now. This will make you more productive and stress-free.

  6. Write down your thoughts:
    Journaling allows you to transfer your thoughts and feelings in a diary and get it all out of your head. It’s a good problem-solving tool. Oftentimes, people jot down their problems and immediately come up with solutions on paper easily.

    Furthermore, journaling about traumatic events helps to release your emotions. Decreasing stress through journaling could have positive effects on your immune system and cognitive functioning. It can even alleviate some symptoms of asthma. This activity is also beneficial to those who experience anxiety.

    So, practice this method to declutter your head and reduce stress levels. 

  7. Get high-quality sleep:
    Lack of sleep weakens your immune system and clutters your mind. This can lead to mood swings and fatigue. It can also make you vulnerable to stress whenever you face difficulties at work or school.

    On the other hand, getting more and better sleep helps you to stimulate your mood and help declutter your thoughts.

    Health professionals recommend having seven to eight hours of good sleep at night. If you’re having trouble sleeping, try working out in the morning or meditating before going to bed.

    These little tweaks in your lifestyle can help to manage your stress and anxiety. Besides this, it's very important to express what you’re feeling inside. Talk to your close friend or family members. If you feel that you need extra assistance, take professional help in the form of psychotherapy.

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