Corporate offices and business places use paper extensively, and they are also the places where the paper is discarded without putting it to other uses like recycling.
With proper awareness and knowledge, workplaces can create a huge impact in recycling paper thus decreasing the landfill and helping the environment.
So, if you are a business owner and want to set up a strong recycling program in your office, then here are tips that you can follow.
Conduct a Waste Audit
The first step in creating a recycling program is conducting a waste audit. Walk around the office and notice what employees are dropping into their bins. Determine how much waste is generated each day and how much of it can be recycled.
Categorise the waste that can be recycled and make the staff throw waste accordingly. In that way, you will know how much waste you can recycle. If you are very serious about the waste audit, then you can also appoint a professional waste auditor to determine the categories of waste.
Get Your Staff Involved
A waste recycling program becomes successful only when you involve your staff. So involve your staff and create awareness in them about the recycling program that you launched.
Clearly state to every employee the objective of the waste recycling program and what is expected from each member.
Train your staff so that every employee is on the same page and make sure they use the bins correctly. Make them know about the signage and make sure you keep the bins ready for them to use.
No matter how many desks you have at your office, place a bin at each one so that every employee has their own. Statistics show that people use individual bins more effectively than the common ones.
Identify What to Collect
Paper is not the only item that can be recycled from the waste. You should know what items are recycled and you need to collect them accordingly.
Determine the recyclable items from the waste audit and ensure to categorise them when given for recycling. You can even make money from the recyclable waste which you can use for your business operations. If you have significant initiatives that you want to start at your workplace, you can use money collected from the waste recycling program.
Reduce Waste and Improve Recycling Practices
Just because the paper can be recycled, it doesn’t mean that you can throw it away without any care. Make sure the waste produced is less and ensure every employee is utilising paper efficiently. Use digital copies wherever needed to reduce the usage of paper. You can also put a limit on printer machines so that every employee becomes conscious of printing only whenever needed.
Remember that reducing waste means there is less waste to be recycled and more effective use of office supplies. Make sure that every employee gets the notion.
Make Sure You Have Necessary Resources
If you want every employee to follow the waste recycling program, make sure there are enough resources for it to be possible. Place bins with proper signage so that everyone knows what goes into where. Some people may not know about signage, so arrange a training session where employees become aware of the symbols involved in recycling and managing the waste.
Hire A Waste Management Team
If your office produces a huge amount of waste that you don’t have time or effort to categorise, then you can rely on professionals. Hire their waste management services to know how well they can sort out your waste and give it for recycling purposes. Talk to your nearest waste management companies to learn about their services in detail.
A clean office is not only aesthetic but it can also attract potential clientele. Conduct frequent waste management sessions so that every employee gets awareness about the system that’s running in your office. Make sure the strong waste recycling programs you have are allowing you to contribute your part to the green planet.
Also Read: How E-Waste Recycling Is Done