How To Reduce Pool Running Costs

Swimming Pool Installation Melbourne

Owning a swimming pool is a dream come true for many homeowners. It offers endless relaxation and fun, especially during the scorching summer months. However, the pool's operating costs can sometimes overshadow the joy of having a pool. From chemicals to energy consumption to pool restorations, pool ownership can be expensive. 

But fear not; we have gathered insights to provide you with six proven strategies to reduce pool running costs.

  1. Add Chlorine and Chemicals at Night

One of the essential aspects of pool maintenance is maintaining proper water chemistry. Balancing the pH levels and chlorine content is crucial to ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience. Many pool owners make the mistake of adding chemicals during the day when the sun's heat is at its peak. This can lead to faster chemical evaporation, reducing their effectiveness and increasing the need for more chemicals.

Add chlorine and other chemicals at night to save on chemicals and keep your pool water balanced. The cooler nighttime temperatures help chemicals distribute more evenly, allowing them to work effectively without being wasted due to evaporation. This simple adjustment can significantly affect your pool's running costs over time.

  1. Clean the Filter Regularly

A clean and well-maintained pool filter is essential for keeping your pool water crystal clear and reducing the workload on your pool equipment. A dirty or clogged filter will force your pool pump to work harder, increasing energy consumption and operating costs.

To avoid this, clean your pool filter regularly. Depending on your filter type (sand, cartridge, or diatomaceous earth), you should establish a maintenance schedule to ensure it's operating efficiently. A clean filter reduces energy usage and extends the lifespan of your pool pump and other equipment.

  1. Install a Pool Cover

Installing a pool cover is a wise investment that pays off in multiple ways. Here's how it works:

Pool Cover

  • Heat Retention: A pool cover acts as a barrier, preventing heat loss from the pool water. This means your pool will stay warmer longer, reducing the need to run the pool heater excessively.
  • Evaporation Reduction: Pool covers significantly reduce water evaporation, conserving water and reducing the frequency of adding fresh water to the pool.
  • Debris Prevention: Leaves, dirt, and insects can quickly accumulate in your pool, requiring extra filtration and chemical treatment. A pool cover keeps these contaminants out, saving you time and money on maintenance.
  • Reduced Chemical Use: With fewer contaminants entering the pool, you'll need fewer chemicals to maintain water quality.

  1. Use a Variable-Speed (VS) Pump

Your pool pump is a critical component of your pool's circulation system, responsible for filtering and circulating water. However, traditional single-speed pumps can be energy hogs, consuming significant electricity. This is where a Variable-Speed (VS) pump comes into play.

Switching to a VS pump is a smart move to reduce pool running costs. These pumps allow you to adjust the speed based on your pool's specific needs. You can run the pump at a lower speed for filtration and a higher speed for tasks like pool cleaning or spa jets. The flexibility of VS pumps saves energy and extends the pump's lifespan, reducing maintenance and replacement costs.

  1. Monitor Chlorine Stabilizer and Maintain Chemical Balance

Maintaining the right chemical balance in your pool is essential for water quality and swimmer safety. However, excessive use of certain chemicals, such as chlorine stabilizer (cyanuric acid), can lead to inefficiencies and increased costs.

Keep an eye on your chlorine stabilizer levels. Excess stabilizers can reduce the effectiveness of chlorine, forcing you to use more chlorine to achieve the desired sanitizing effect. Regular water testing and adjustments are essential to ensure your pool chemicals are balanced. Doing so will optimize the performance of your pool's sanitization system and reduce chemical costs.

  1. Run Your Pump at Night

Pool pump energy consumption significantly contributes to your pool's operating costs. To maximize energy efficiency, consider running your pump during off-peak hours, specifically at night.

Electricity rates are often lower during nighttime hours. You can take advantage of reduced electricity costs by scheduling your pump to run during these periods. Some pool owners even invest in timers or smart pool control systems to automate pump operation, ensuring it runs during the most cost-effective times.


Owning a pool should be a source of joy and relaxation, not a financial burden. You can significantly reduce your pool's running costs by implementing these six proven strategies. From optimizing chemical usage to improving energy efficiency, these tips will help you enjoy your pool while keeping more money in your pocket. So, take the plunge and start saving today – your pool and wallet will thank you.

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