Pros And Cons Of Small Batch Production


While manufacturing, if you create your products in small quantities, then it is called small batch production. In this process, the manufacturing starts and finishes before the next batch starts.

Instead of manufacturing large quantities, similar components are produced together in small quantities as it allows you to change if there is any need.

Why Is It Suggested?

Small batch production is helpful if you need to test the sample product before proceeding with the large manufacturing process. For instance, if yours is a doll manufacturing unit, you can produce a small batch of dolls and send them for testing. After the product is tested and approved, you can start manufacturing in large quantities. This method allows you to make necessary changes and make sure your investment is wisely spent.

Which Products Are Applicable?

You have to remember that not all products are suitable for small-batch production. First, you have to understand the types of products that suit batch production. They are food-based products, baking trays, medicine, clothing, packaging for limited-based products and so on. Discuss with your manufacturing unit to see whether your products are suitable for batch production or not.

Now let’s see the pros and cons of batch production:

Benefits of Batch Production:

  • Less risk for businesses as supply and demand changes

Small batch production lessens the risk factor of businesses. If you are a business owner where the demand requirements continuously change and you need to supply according to those needs, then batch production is like a boon to you. You don’t have to waste the products that are not in demand, thus saving your business time, money and effort.

  • Smaller amount of items products but more variety

You can manufacture similar products in small amounts thus increasing the variety of your product range. You can sell the same products but with different versions that meet the demands of other people. You can tailor your products according to the urgent demand and you don’t have to worry about the products going to waste or unused.

  • Better Quality Control

No product comes out perfect the first time itself. It needs several checks and rectification of errors to meet the final product requirements. These testing processes will give you more quality on the resultant product. You can allow your products to be the best version to meet your customers' demands.

Small batch production also results in fast turnaround time and shortens the product development process.

  • Waste Reductions

Imagine manufacturing 10,000 units of your product in a single go. However, if the product does not meet the requirements or has errors to rectify, all the 10,000 products will go to waste. However, with small batch production, you can reduce the wastage as small amounts are manufactured each time. You can increase the efficiency of your manufacturing unit thereby increasing demand and supply.


Like every other thing, there are also downsides to small-batch production, they are:

  • More Downtime

With small-batch production, you will have to change the manufacturing line every time the requirements change. It leads to an increase in downtime which can affect your business. You can cover the downtime by increasing the production speed, however, it may not be suitable if you have to change each time the requirements change.

  • Can be hard to find manufacturers that will take small orders

All the manufacturing units are designed to produce products in large quantities. So, it may be hard to find the ones that accept small orders. Unless you have your production unit, it can be difficult to find the one that would constantly accept the change in your requirements. 

  • You have less product to stock

Imagine you have a huge demand for a version of your products, however, as you produce in small batches, you may not fulfill the orders of every requirement. You have less product to stock and cannot supply if the demand is more for that particular product.

Final Thoughts

With frequent changes in the manufacturing line, you may have to consult welding services for repair works and restoration. You have to maintain the manufacturing unit properly so that you are not getting any repairs while changing the batches. That being said, small batch production is beneficial if you have constantly changed requirements in the final product.

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