Everything You Need To Know About Dental Veneers

Dental Clinic South Melbourne

Dental veneers could be exactly what you need if you are thinking of enhancing your smile. Dental veneer is thin layers of porcelain or dental resin placed in the front part of the tooth to give an aesthetic appearance to the teeth. As more and more people are considering getting dental veneers, here is what you should know about them: the classifications, possibilities, and perks of having veneers.

Types of Veneers

Dental veneers come in three primary types: porcelain veneers, composite veneers, and no preparation veneers.

Porcelain Veneers

The most popular kind of veneers are made of porcelain, for its ability to mirror the appearance of your very own teeth and also for being highly resistant. In the procedure, a tiny amount of your tooth enamel will be shaved to make room for the veneer. Next, dental personnel will be required to take an impression of the teeth, and the veneer that is to be used will be made in a laboratory. When it is final, your dentist will cement the porcelain veneer to your tooth and give you a stunning, natural-looking smile.

Composite Resin Veneers

Composite resin veneers are cheaper than porcelain veneers but are made of a tooth-coloured material that is quite close in colour to the natural teeth. The procedure is also less time-consuming and invasive since the veneers do not have to be made by a dental clinic laboratory. The dentist will directly apply the composite material to your tooth and polish and carve it to the desired shape, then set it hard using a light.

No-Prep Veneers

As the name implies, these veneers do not necessarily demand to peel off the surface of your teeth or perform other preparatory steps that are usually carried out. These layers of ultra-thin veneers are then gently cemented onto the fronts of your teeth, guaranteeing changes to your smile are gradual and largely non-invasive.

Points to Consider about Veneers

Before deciding on dental veneers, consider the following factors:


The cosmetic porcelain veneers cost more than those made of composite resin, especially because porcelain veneers are made for each individual. Nevertheless, even though the price for composite resin veneers is lower than for porcelain veneers, they are not as long-lasting or natural-looking as their porcelain counterparts. Ensure you talk to your dentist on matters related to your pocket and find out which plan suits you best.

Installation Time

Porcelain veneer takes about 2 weeks to complete because the veneer is generally made to suit an individual patient in a dental laboratory. On the other hand, the composite resin veneers can be done in a single sitting only and can be painted and shaped as needed in the same sitting itself. These are the quickest since they are prepared on your teeth with little or no preparation required from a dental laboratory.

Appearance of Veneers

Before approaching an Everett dentist for dental veneers, you need to decide on a material that will suit your desires. The porcelain veneers are less transparent and are less susceptible to staining than the resin veneers. For people with a limited budget, composite resin veneers are quite suitable for use despite the fact that they are not as durable as porcelain ones or as natural in appearance. No-preparation veneers are suitable for people seeking relatively fast and noninvasive treatment but whose teeth will be just slightly less translucent.


Despite some dental veneers lasting for quite a long time, it is essential to understand that some types last longer than others; porcelain veneers have been reported to last for 10 to 15 years, while composite resin veneers last for 7 to 10 years.


Dental veneers offer numerous benefits, including:

  1. Improved aesthetics: They also offer oral functions as a beautiful, attractive even and white smile.
  2.  Low-maintenance: Veneers should also be treated as your regular teeth, and they are stain-resistant.


Dental veneers are a good choice for anyone who wants a healthier and happier smile. There is a variety of veneers, and therefore you should seek advice from your dentist to establish which one would suit you the best. It is important that you take into account the costs of the system, ease of installation, aesthetics, and durability of the equipment before coming to a conclusion. These attributes make dental veneers appropriate for Australians seeking a cosmetic dental solution since they have benefits such as natural appearance and require minimum maintenance. Therefore, do not rule out dental veneers right away and consider giving us a shot at helping you get that perfect smile.

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